How to deal with negative people in your life
It's not easy having a Debbie Downer in your life, is it? I call these people emotional vampires because they suck the life and energy out of us! In this week's short video I tell you exactly how to deal with negative people in your life. It doesn't have to be confrontative or difficult. I make it simple if you remember one thing: these people are not good for YOU! They drain the positive energy from you and waste your valuable time and energy with their poor attitude or constant negativity.
Just in time for Valentine's Day- I give you something to bring your heart more joy (and less heartache!). Remember these simple tips when dealing with people in your life who are negative or unsupportive of you and your work.
1. Remember these people have hearts too. No need to be confrontative or mean spirited with your decision to no longer interact with these people. You have no idea what they may be dealing with in their lives right now. At the moment, they simply are not healthy for you and you need to "break up" with them.
2. Surround yourself with people who are smarter than you, stronger than you, and who inspire you. Your energy and motivation stay high when you are around positive people who value what you do.
3. Eliminate as many interactions with negative people as you can. Turn off all social media notifications from people who always make you feel bad about yourself. Don't make a production out of it. Just quietly do it. Take yourself off group emails, group texts or any electronic communications from them that are extraneous and unnecessary. It's healthier for you if you don't waste any more time or energy on this relationship. Feel good about making this decision quickly and acting with kindness when you do it.
4. If you work with a person who is constantly interrupting or negative, walk away or disengage from the conversation. Let them know you are working hard on projects and cannot afford to spend time with them right now. Chances are other people at work also feel this way about this person, so it is not a reflection of you to want to disengage and reduce your interaction. Keep all communications positive. If the person gets confrontational, keep documentation of all interactions and emails.
5. If this person requires your attention for reasons you cannot avoid- make your responses short (not curt) and sweet, straight to the point and efficient. Soon, they will get the point that you are not interested in continuing a deeper relationship. If it is a relative or a neighbor, it may feel like it is more difficult to stop interacting with them. Remember the saying hire slow, fire fast? It is very unhealthy when you repeatedly interact with a person who doesn't value who you are, isn't kind to you or doesn't support your decisions. It's much healthier for you to distance yourself from these people. The fastest, least painful way is to do it quickly and without fanfare. Rip off the bandaid!
You will be so surprised how much confidence you have and how much more energy you have when you don't have to deal with Negative Nellies and Debbie Downers.
I hope you found this advice helpful. Please let me know if you used my advice or passed along my video! I would love to hear from you!
Make it a great day!
“People inspire you, or they drain you. Pick them wisely.”