How to work less hours at your job and have more time for joy
It is very hard to truly disconnect from your phone and email these days, so we often feel overwhelmed because every aspect of our lives overlaps and bleeds into other areas of our lives. Not only is the corporate environment counting on you to be available 24/7, now we have been trained to have parents, babysitters, partners, children, everyone in our personal life connected to us 24/7 as well. That fact alone makes it almost impossible to feel like we have time to breathe, relax and enjoy our non-working hours every day. We always seem to have our devices near enough to see and hear all of the notification pings, dings & rings go off all day long, which forces our brain to multi task and be "on" all the time. That is exhausting, let alone not sustainable or enjoyable.
My simple strategy helps you feel less overwhelmed, more in control of your time with more time for activities that bring you joy. When you implement this strategy now in your work life and home life so you will definitely feel more in control and less overwhelmed with all you have to do every day.
My video this week is to help you learn How to work less hours at your job and have more time for joy. I hope you found it helpful and empowering. Please share it with all of your friends- they will love that you thought of them AND brought them a simple solution to a common problem.
After watching this video & trying this strategy I promise you will:
really feel like you have more energy to do those things you enjoy
get more done in a shorter amount of time by optimizing your brain
be in control of how & when you do your work. You learn how to be proactive in scheduling.
feel less overwhelmed with big, time-consuming projects at work
produce better outcomes because you are focused and not distracted
Sounds awesome, doesn't it?
It really works- please give it a whirl!
Make it a great week!