Effective negotiation skills for business

In this week's 2 minute video Kathy teaches you how to have effective negotiation skills for business. Listen to Kathy's simple straightforward advice about successfully negotiating and collaborating with everyone you work with and work for! Every business person and entrepreneur must learn to hone their skills in the art of negotiating. Yes, it is a skill to negotiate effectively. You have to believe in what you offer to the person you are negotiating with and have total confidence in yourself. Learn how to confidently discuss your value and what you bring to the table- setting clear expectations with your boss, your customer or your vendor to always have effective negotiation skills for business.

Kathy tells you how to feel confident, never embarrassed, every single time you are talking about your value and your price for YOUR expertise. Whether you are negotiating your new contract, a raise, or your price for providing a product, project or service - Kathy walks you through the key strategies you must have to negotiate effectively. Kathy helps you become confident in all your future negotiations! 

Here is another video Kathy shot, about being confident when you are negotiating. Kathy references the fantastic Amy Cuddy TED Talk that describes easy "power poses" you can make before every negotiation to boost your confidence and reduce your stress.  Negotiating is a skill, every professional needs to know how to negotiate effectively—Kathy tells you how! 

Click here to view another popular Backpocket Strategy 2 minute video about how to negotiate with confidence!