How to Stop Interruptors at Work
This is FIRST video in the new ASK KATHY segment. Real questions from real busy professionals and real world solutions that Kathy has proof that they work! This week's questions "How do you stop people from interrupting you at work when you are concentrating on something important?" Watch this 2 minute video on how to STOP Interruptors at Work! I give you the exact script to say to those people who enter you office, cubicle or workspace with constant comments or perhaps just a simple questions.
This works!
So many people are afraid to tell someone to stop interrupting them for fear of being hurtful, mean or not working on the "right stuff" to a boss or paying customer. I answer all of your concerns in this week's video!
When you are hyper focusing on a project and you need to work uninterrupted, I tell you the simple, straightforward and polite way to tell the person standing in front of you, the interruptor, that you will get back to them with their answers as soon as you can.
How to Stop Interruptors at Work is easy- Collaborate with them and continue to deliver great work product on time and kindly. When you have a history of collaboration and you ask them to leave you to your work until you can get back to them- they always understand!
One day you will be working on THEIR project and they will appreciate your conviction to focus on what you are doing- with NO interruptions!