How to stop judging yourself when you make changes
"How do I NOT judge myself when I see what choices I have made on my Time Diary?"
This was the question publicly asked by a male Executive who was sitting in my audience last month as I gave my How to be Healthy, Wealthy & Wise in life and at work Keynote speech. Watch my 2 minute video this week to find out what I told him and why my answer applies to every one of us who are busy and wish we could make changes in our busy schedules.
He bravely raised his hand in front of 85 women and 10 other men and asked "What do I do if I don't like what I see on my Time Diary and I start to feel bad and judge myself?". What a powerful question- and so honest. In this week's TWO minute video, I tell you exactly what I told him. There is power in realizing you need to make a change. Do NOT feel bad about yourself or your choices if you are looking to make a change- you are being proactive about changing- that is a GREAT new perspective!
"When we know better, we do better" said Maya Angelou. When YOU know more about what choices you are making every day in your life, you can CHOSE to make changes- little by little. There is no need to feel bad or judge yourself. I tell you how to stop judging yourself when you make changes and instead, you can feel good about making new choices. Not many people are in tune with how they chose to spend their time and they feel overwhelmed and re-active to how they spend their time. When you do my Time Diary exercise, you quickly see—in black and white—where you actually CAN make some small changes in how you spend your time.
My Time Diary is a powerful exercise. I know the results are 100% positive and enlightening from every busy person who takes the time (you only have to fill it out for 2 days) to complete the simple exercise. I designed this tool specifically to help YOU find more time in your busy day to do the activities that are important to you. (You can download it for free on my website.)
Make it a great day!