Your Perfect Productive Day

How to have YOUR perfect productive day! 

I know it is the busiest time of year for many of you with the  holidays impacting not only your business, and your personal life.  Here are my curated helpful and insightful tips for you to think about as you go about your busy lives. Take a moment to read, listen, contemplate.  Think about how you might make a slight shift in your perspective or your schedule and really make an impact in how you can positively impact your busyness. Most often we feel overwhelmed and chaotic when we don't feel as if we have any control over our schedules; I believe we can all make slight shifts mentally and physically and become more proactive with our choices every day.  We then gain a sense of control, flexibility and usually, a new attitude about what we "want" to accomplish. Let's end 2014 and begin 2015 with a sense of being in control of our time and energy. You will be amazed at the difference in your mindset once you chose to look at the choices YOU can make. 

My December posts will be about helping you review 2014 and look to what you did well and how you can improve your personal and professional life moving into 2015. Being curious is key to learning, growing and becoming better (more effective) at what we do. My wish for all of you is to enjoy your days by feeling more in control of how you spend your own time and energy. 

Remember: it's not about doing MORE. It's about focusing your energy on doing less, just more effectively. 

Tim Ferriss, author of the 2007 breakout smash best seller- The 4 Hour Work Week counters everything we have been taught to think about productivity by telling us to Do Less, Not More.Take stuff OFF your plate, don't put more on it! The point is to maximize output, NOT the amount of work. I often refer to his interpretation of the 80/20 rule from his interview in INC.Mag, April 2013: 80% of your productivity comes from 20% of your efforts and likewise, 80% of your wasted time comes from 20% of the possible causes. So eliminate the 20% time wasters and spend as much energy on the productive 20 percent. Tim's advice is critical to changing our  collective mindset about glorifying being busy and I remind audiences of that every time I speak, whether it be to busy entrepreneurs or corporate groups.  It's good to remind ourselves of these insightful and easy to implement tips when we feel overwhelmed and chaotic.

Fast Company magazine has devoted it's entire December/January 2015 issue to being productive and I wanted to share some of their best links and tips with you- they are all very fast reads, I promise!  Remember, it's not about doing more, cramming more into your day- it's about working on the right stuff and being the most effective you can be during the time you "work".   

Here is to YOUR Perfect Productive Day ! 

This 1:35 video quickly walks you through Fast Company's idea of your perfect productive day utilizing ALL of the advice they have collected over the years. If you love this concept and want the entire road map in paper form, I encourage you to go out and purchase the magazine, which has a 4 page foldout "map" of the Perfect Productive Day.

This is a list of really useful and practical tips from very busy people- not all 151 that you get inside the actual magazine, yet very perceptive and real tips that work!

This is a funny, inspiring short 1:26 video with creative busy productive people trying to be helpful by sharing their best tips for being productive. Worth a watch!

Make it a great day!  And let me know what you think!