How to Negotiate Confidently Every Time!
Everything is a negotiation. When a toddler wants another cookie, a teen wants a later curfew or you want to convince your partner to go to a particular movie this weekend it may not seem like a negotiation but it is. When the stakes get higher and our confidence level gets lowered (for a million different reasons) we often lose our ability to negotiate successfully for what we want. For over 25 years I consistently used a strategy to feel more confident in negotiating for what I want and had consistently great results. So when clients started sharing their fear, doubts and pessimism about the outcome they expected in negotiating their rates, deadlines, contracts and compensation I realized that not everyone had a formula for feeling as comfortable asking for what they want as I did. By teaching and coaching my negotiation strategy I have been able to help clients and colleagues successfully negotiate for themselves for over 20 years. Now, I share it in a podcast so more folks can feel and be more confidently every time they negotiate. Listen here!
In this week’s 35 minute podcast I am sharing my 5 step strategy for successfully negotiating confidently every time you are faced with asking for what you want. Even when the stakes are high and you don’t feel like you have any leverage in asking for what you want- my strategy works to build your confidence, which ultimately positions you to get what you want. Whether you are a freelancer negotiating your rates, deadlines and timelines, an entrepreneur negotiating with vendors, leases and suppliers or a business professional in a corporate setting, these strategies work!
In the first half of my podcast I share the 5 strategies and how to get your mind set for being confident in any negotiation. In the second half I share how to implement these strategies in a corporate setting for performance evaluations, compensation package and salary negotiations.
The key to succeeding in a negotiation is to prepare yourself for the conversation and position yourself as a well informed, confident and valuable commodity to the person sitting across the table from you.
Here are my 5 key strategies for consistently negotiating successfully:
Remember it is just another human being you are dealing with.
You are uniquely talented to deliver what they need.
Be well informed about who you are negotiating with- the industry, the business, the person.
Write everything down. Write it down. Write it down.
Do not let history hinder you.
In my podcast I go into detailed explanations and examples of each of the five strategies and how you accomplish each one. I explain why and how they work to give you an advantage in the negotiations.
With each podcast episode and it’s blog I will ask for Q & A on Tuesday evenings on Instagram and sharing answers on Wednesday afternoons.
Here is to successful, confident negotiations in 2020!