Effectively work from home part time
Effectively work from home part time
"How can I find the time to effectively work on my business from home when I am already so busy?"
So many people ask me this question because life is so busy and the business world is now 24/7 and we seem to be expected to work round the clock. It's not easy navigating this insane world of 24/7 device availability, 24/7 social media availability and global awareness to everything we put online.
"The main thing is to keep the main the main thing." Stephen R Covey
I am teaching 4 Business Classes at Edina Continuing Education for busy professionals and entrepreneurs!
I was asked to create a class series that will talk about the "real facts" it takes to run a business from home. So I did! First class is coming up next week, Tuesday, January 27, 2015. All 4 of my classes deal with different aspects being a busy professional in this 24/7 "work" environment. While ECE titled this Professional Development section Mompreneurs- it is NOT just for moms. All of my classes are geared towards busy people, not just mothers. Please share this with anyone who has told you they would like help on these issues- I appreciate you spreading the word. All my Winter classes are listed on page 9of this catalog.
Who is this class geared towards?
If you have an existing business and are struggling with finding time, energy or money to make it profitable.
Have a real product or service that you have already begun selling and want to ramp it up to become a profitable business yet you have other time commitments
Want to find 10 hours in your week to write a blog or provide an expert service yet you don't know how to effectively manage your busy schedule to make that happen (I have a "life changing" idea that works!)
This is NOT for someone just beginning to sell their product and service who wants to learn the nuts and bolts of HOW TO run a business. That's an entirely different course!
Register here: https://edina.thatscommunityed.com/course/adult-winter-2015/how-to-run-your-own-profitable-business-out-of-your-home-in-10-hours-a-week